
Basic UTAU related updates

Hello all!

This time I want to write just some random updates about my UTAUs:

1) I made an UTAU based on carrot eating/crunching sound. I had to put my microphone's sensitive very high (almost maximum) that it taken my crunching sounds enough bit for UTAU program.

And here is the results:

Pretty interesting sound, right?
You can also download it if want to! 8D Download link to voicebank

The character on "carrot crushing VB" is a albino pet rabbit named Möykkyli.
He's owned by my UTAU Tokane Aki.

2) I released for my main UTAU updated CV VB:

He has now much better and more understandable voice now. I just need to record for him new VCV and some Appends and new languages etc for him too later!

3) A totally new UTAU character from me is now work in progress. His name is Azurite (アズライト) and he is a bird UTAU. I do not have any full image of him yet but he'll get asap!

Here is a little sample of him (I think that I'll re-record few samples/make more VBs before  final release): Link to sample

4) I'm now full of new UTAU ideas! I've so many plans and stuff what I want to do, but so hard to decide what to make first (+my school starts again soon and this year is kinda special for me because I need to write one examination in this autumn and many at spring. Ahhhh! Will be so busy! T7T)

Thank you for reading guys, I hope that I can write again something here soon!


Finnish CV+ and CVVC recording list for UTAU!

This blogpost is last time updated in 9 May 2016

Here is my latest Finnish reclist!


You're free to use and edit this recording list as much as you want to create own Finnish voicebank for your UTAU! No needed to ask permission to use this.

I do not require this but would be cool if you could show me your results, it makes me happy to know that someone has used my reclist(s)! : )



Finnish recording list

2016 Finnish CV+ ver. 1.2

*Senchou is recorded with bit outdated Finnish CV+ reclist, so her recordings are little bit differently than in ver. 1.2. 

2016 New-CVVC-Finnish ver. BETA

No any example VB - yet. Please: keep in mind that this is BETA, so it's not perfect.まだβ版なので完璧ではありません。

2016 Finnish VCV lite+
  • Coming soon in 2016 summer(?) まだです
All Finnish reclist listed here and all stuff here are made by Pupuomena

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